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Managing Christmas Stress: CBT for Registered Managers in Adult Social Care

Caroline16 December 2024


Hello, lovely readers! Christmas is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, right? But if you’re a registered manager in adult social care, you probably know it can also be one of the most stressful. Which got us thinking – how can we make lives a little easier? Why not offer some CBT techniques for registered managers at Christmas! The season brings its own special set of challenges—increased workloads, supporting clients through loneliness, juggling rotas, and trying to sprinkle a bit of festive cheer into everything you do. It’s no small feat!

The good news? Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques can be a game-changer. Let’s chat about how you can use CBT for registered managers to handle stress and make the season a little brighter for you and your team.

Why Is Christmas So Stressful in Adult Social Care?

Let’s face it, adult social care isn’t your average 9-to-5, and the festive period ramps everything up a notch. Maybe you’re worrying about making sure clients feel cared for or stressing over a mountain of admin tasks. And don’t forget the personal side of things—presents to buy, family to see, and maybe even a turkey to cook! Stress is natural, but it’s how we deal with it that makes all the difference.

Spotting and Challenging Those Nagging Thoughts

Here’s the thing about stress: a lot of it comes from the way we think. CBT is brilliant because it helps you spot unhelpful thoughts and give them a reality check.

For example, you might catch yourself thinking, “There’s no way I’ll get through this week” or “I’m letting everyone down.” Sound familiar? Instead of letting these thoughts spiral, try writing them down. Then ask yourself:

– Is this really true, or am I catastrophising?

– What would I say to a colleague who felt like this?

– Can I reframe this thought into something more constructive?

So, “I’m letting everyone down” becomes “I’m doing my best, and that’s all anyone can ask of me.” Give it a go—you’ll be amazed at how powerful a mindset shift can be!

Mindfulness: Your Festive Stress Buster

CBT often pairs beautifully with mindfulness, which is all about staying present. As a registered manager, we realise that your mind’s probably racing at 100 miles per hour, so take a moment to pause. Breathe deeply and notice what’s around you—the feel of your desk, the sound of the radio, the smell of that coffee you’ve been meaning to drink.

Why not try the “5-4-3-2-1” technique? It’s simple and quick:

1. Spot 5 things you can see.

2. Feel 4 things you can touch.

3. Hear 3 sounds around you.

4. Smell 2 scents (even if it’s just your hand cream!).

5. Taste 1 thing (hello, mince pie!).

This little exercise is like pressing the reset button on your brain.

Set Boundaries and Be Kind to Yourself

As a registered manager, it’s tempting to try to do it all. But remember, you’re only human. Set realistic goals and don’t be afraid to delegate—your team is there to support you too. It’s okay to say no sometimes. Saying no to one thing might mean saying yes to looking after yourself.

And speaking of self-care…be kind to yourself! You’re doing an incredible job, even if it doesn’t always feel like it. Treat yourself the way you’d treat a friend who’s feeling overwhelmed. Maybe that’s a relaxing bath, a walk in the fresh air, or just giving yourself permission to take a break – using our CBT techniques for Registered Managers at Christmas is a great first step.

Don’t Go It Alone

Finally, remember you’re not alone. Talk to someone you trust, whether it’s a colleague, your nominated individual, or a friend. Sharing what you’re going through can make a world of difference. And if you need extra help, there’s no shame in reaching out to a professional— find someone who is qualified and registered with a an organisation such as the British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP).

Coleman Training are also here to support you.  Whether it is taking the stress of training compliance from you entirely or developing a bespoke course to deal with a specific issue you have, or simply being a sympathetic ear, we are here for you.  Many of our team are ex-registered managers so they have walked the walk and truly understand the challenges you face. 

By weaving CBT techniques into your routine as a registered manager, you’ll not only manage stress more effectively but also find moments of joy and connection during this busy season. Remember, looking after yourself is the best way to keep your team and clients thriving too. You’ve got this!

Here’s to a calmer, brighter Christmas for all our hardworking registered managers in adult social care. You truly are the stars of the season!

Why not begin 2025 with our CBT workshop for registered managers?  Learn CBT techniques that you can use yourself and teach your team to create a happier and healthier workplace culture.

Contact Juanita@colemantraining.co.uk for more information and for more details about our Leadership courses head to our designated Leadership Training Courses page!.